Hurricane Survival List & Tips

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·      Flashlight

·      Extra Batteries!

·      Battery Operated Radio/Clock- Keep up with news & weather.

·      Battery Operated Fans- Misting ones work great here!

·      Matches- to light gas stoves & candles

·      Hand Sanitizer & Disinfectant wipes (to keep things clean!)



·      Manual Can Opener (might seem trivial but you got to open those cans!)

·      Water for 3 days for each person

·      Nonperishable food items-nuts, dried fruit, peanut butter, canned goods etc…

·      Disposable plates, utensils, cups & napkins



·      Band-aids

·      Bug Spray

·      Sunscreen

·      Tylenol/Ibuprofen

·      Thermometer

·      Isopropyl Alcohol

·      Prescription medications!- two-week supply of meds in a sealable plastic bag, clearly labeled.



·      Leash

·      Harness

·      Water & Pet Food for 3 days minimum

·      Favorite toy

·      Shot Records

·      Pet Bed/Blanket

·      Crate

·      Litter box  & litter



·      Toilet Paper  & Tissues

·      Garbage bags- for house & lawn clean up

·      Ziploc bags

·      Utility Gloves

·      Phone charges

·      Dry Shampoo

·      Female Hygiene


Its not just about what you need to do inside as you know, you need to prepare your home for whatever a hurricane might bring. Start outside your house. 


Collect lawn furniture, portable grills, hoses, pool storage chests and planters.  If they are blown by the wind, they could end up projectiles heading straight to your home Make sure all of those things are secured well before the storm begins or placed in sheds & garages until after the storm passes.



1.     Fill up gas tanks in all vehicles

2.     Collect Passports, Wills, Insurance Paperwork, and other important papers in sealable waterproof bags in safe place easily             accessible.

3.     Turn off irrigation system

4.     Bring in trash cans, and as mentioned above, all outdoor furniture & planters

5.     Take out CASH (if power goes out there will be no ATM or CREDIT CARD MACHINES)



Ø  Freeze TAP water in several 2-liter bottles & freeze bottled water (16-20 oz size preferred).

Ø  Turn AC down hours before the storm (I set it down from usual 77 to 71 so when power went off my walls, ceilings and floors would be at 71 instead of 76, keeping me cooler longer)

Ø  DON’T OPEN up any windows. Better to have 80-degree air without humidity, then 85-90 degree outside air with humidity.

Ø  Take two frozen bottles of water and put each in a zip lock bag (to collect condensation) and put each bottle in a sock. Then when you go to bed place a bottle on each side of you to help keep body temp down.  In the morning, when the ice is water, you now have more water to drink J


SUPPLIES ARE ALREADY DWINDLING AS YOU PROBABLY KNOW- call ahead for replenished stock! Think about the out of ordinary places for supplies like local office supply or Dollar store for kitchen & paper supplies and Rental Truck/Van Store for Propane.